Policy Priorities
We must empower educators and students to create a better, more inclusive and equitable education system in our state. With plummeting literacy rates, lack of resources, shrinking recruitment and retainment rates, underserved and under prioritized school districts, and politics in the classroom, I will continue to fight to appreciate our teachers & provide an equitable, quality education to all the students of MI:
Prioritizing Equitable per pupil Funding
Providing Universal Pre-K Funding
Transparency in for-profit Charter Schools
Invest in Facility & Technological Improvements
Fighting for Equitable Resources (laptops, textbooks, before/after school programs)
Prioritize Special Needs & At-Risk Students
Funding for Essential Tutoring & Support
Investing in Students who want to Pursue Teaching Degrees
As we see the light at the end of the tunnel, we need to continue to work together to get out of this pandemic in a better place than when we entered. Nurses, direct care workers, and our essential frontline workers are fighting everyday to keep us safe and are experiencing burn-out, higher hours, and lower recruitment and retention rate than ever before. I will use my relationships to push legislation for a healthier MI:
Access to Affordable Healthcare
Lower Prescription Drug Costs
Expand Access to Medicaid
Reproductive Freedom for All
Prioritize Equitable Funding in Underserved Areas
Expand Paid Sick- Leave
Mandate Preventative Care Coverage
Increase Access & Awareness to Mental & Behavioral Health in our Communities
From ‘help wanted’ signs to closing your doors, businesses owners have seen it all throughout these past few years and continue to struggle. Now more than ever we need bold leadership that can fight for our businesses owners and not only provide relief but provide an environment for our local businesses to thrive! I will champion legislation that will:
Relief & Grant Opportunities to our Small Businesses
Lower Age to 21 & Maintain Funding for MI Reconnect Program
Prioritizing Funding to Black & Brown Start-Up Businesses
Increase Workforce Development & Skilled-Trade Opportunities
Create Affordable Housing & Provide Support to Homeowners
Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit
Invest in Technological Advances for the State
Expand Paid-Sick Leave for MI workers
Universal & Affordable Childcare Options
Invest in Regional Transportation to Connect our Communities
For far too long, local infrastructure has been severely neglected with potholes, flooding, burn-outs and crumbling bridges plaguing our communities across MI. As we saw over the summer, flooding caused millions in damages and burn-outs created weeks of homes and families being left in the dark. I guarantee to fight for the money needed to rebuild and reinvest in our communities and residents while:
Increase Funding for Road Repairs, Reconstruction, & Maintenance
Hold Utility Companies Accountable for Outages & Pollution
Increase Funding to Rebuild Storm Water & Sewage Systems
Prioritize Underserved Communities & Provide Equitable Funding
Invest in Healthy Drinking Water & Contaminated Site Clean-Up
Replacing Lead Service Lines in our Communities
Prioritize Capital Improvements for Sustainable Reform
Update Outdated Power Grid Systems
Create Good-Paying Clean Energy Jobs
Voting Rights
Our voting rights are under attack, since the passage of the Voting Rights Act, certain lawmakers & parties have worked to strip away key provisions in our state’s law that makes voting more fair and accessible. I will be a passionate and effective champion that will continue to fight for our right to vote and strengthen our democracy in MI by:
Allow for Early Processing of Absentee Ballots
Increase Access to Voting locations
Create Local Transportation Options on Voting Day
Invest in Pre-Paid Postage for Mail-In Ballots
Dedicate Funding for our Local Clerks
Increase Secure Lock-Box Locations for Ballots
Requiring Petition Transparency
Increase Penalties for Harassing Election Workers & Spreading Misinformation about Elections
Work to Increase Voting Turn-Out & Protect Michiganders Right to Vote
Gun Violence
We have seen an increase in gun violence in our communities & far too many residents, families, & children are paying the price for loopholes & the lack of oversight in our MI’s gun laws & the safe storage of firearms. Doing nothing is not an option & I will be a fighting force in the Senate for curbing gun violence in our communities by:
Requiring comprehensive Background Checks for All Firearms
Raising the Age of Firearm Sale to 21
Limit the Access to Magazine Capacity Sales
Eliminating the Sale of Assault Weapons
Requiring Registration & Training for Gun Owners
Increase Mental & Behavioral Health Resources in our Communities & Schools
Requiring the Safe Storage of Firearms (lock, lockbox, secured container)
Require Waiting Periods for Gun Purchases
Increase Red Flag Laws in our State